Locked in the Library? 16 Revision and Study Tips
Are you locked in the Library? It's the exam season again! Here are 16 practical tips and strategies to support study and revision work for exams: Short blocks of time for work A balanced workload between all subjects means variety Days off work for leisure Writing down a list of reasons to be motivated Rewarding yourself for doing the hours planned Not starting to revise too late Summarising your notes Creating Mindmaps or other visualizations Devising your own mnemonics or memory games Reading past exam papers Ensuring that you know what the examiners are looking for Doing timed answers and exercies Trying out model opening and closing paragraphs for essays Learning about 50 impressive words to use in discussions, arguments, or concepts Working with your teachers to explain what's not clear Working with friends collaboratively in teams Dr Ian McCormick is the author of The Art of Connection: the Social Life of Sentences (Quibble Ac...