
Showing posts with the label exam

Shuffled sentences

This practice book will help you to explore the strange world of shuffled sentences and how your brain solves them.  A shuffled sentence is a string of words that have been jumbled up. The words are in the wrong order. Can you unscramble the words to make a sentence?  • An excellent INTRODUCTION to the art and science of solving these linguistic challenges.  • TWENTY techniques that could help you to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your exam tactics and strategy.  • FIVE levels of difficulty, which makes it ideal for exam preparation for various kinds of school entrance exams such as 11+ and other employment proficiency tests.  • 595 shuffled sentences to use for your exam practice.  • Some of the tests involve deciding on a word that is not needed in the sentence. This is called a REDUNDANT word.  • Some of the tests ask you to find the LAST WORD in the sentence.  • The tests are designed to practise VOCABULARY and GRAMMAR (different ...

Exam Performance - diagnostic and tips

" The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function." --- F. Scott Fitzgerald Have you recently received your exam results? Are you preparing for an exam? I have made a short list of some of the best tips that will help you to improve your exam results in the future. How many of these strategies DID you follow (or not) in your recent work? Employ short blocks of time for work. Develop a balanced workload between all subjects means variety. Select days off work for leisure. Write down a list of reasons to be motivated. Reward yourself for doing the hours planned. Starting to revise too late in the process. Don't just rely on your revision sessions run by your school or college. Summarize your notes. Create Mindmaps or other visualizations to aid recall. Devise your own mnemonics or memory games. Read and study past exam papers. Ensure that you know what the ...

GCSE - SOS Q&A - What to do next

Can I improve my exam and/or revision technique? Absolutely. You can typically improve your exam performance by working on technique, and by having a better revision strategy. Seek out the other tips on this site for more information. You might be able to improve your grades by 5-25%. T ry this programm e. How important are GCSEs ? It depends. Our culture is traditionally dominated by paper qualifications. Typically you will need Maths and English for career progression, plus 3 other subjects. But GCSE performance does not predict success at A-level or at University, unless you've scored 10 X A* . Remember that life skills, social skills, volunteering and other experience are also valued by employers. I have to confess that despite my C in English Literature, I went on to receive the class medal, and first class honours in this subject. What should I do if my results are not up to scratch? Consider re-taking key subjects such as Maths or English. Seek advice fro...

11+ English: Transition from Primary to Secondary School

This stimulating guide to Year 5/6 and 11+ English provides an excellent resource for children making the transition from primary to secondary school. 11+ English offers helpful and clear guidance for tutors and parents. The six test papers use multiple choice questions to ensure that a student’s answers can be marked efficiently and academic progress can be monitored effectively. Year 5/6 11+ English benefits from the following features: - 300 multiple choices questions - An introduction to communication skills for parents and tutors - How to improve reading and comprehension skills - Key skills for success in English comprehension tests - The critical and creative training zone - Pathways to success - Six English Tests examine comprehension and grammar - 52 Creative writing activities - A Glossary / 62 Key terms explained Available on Amazon . "An extremely engaging collection of texts and enquiries which serve as a catalyst to enable student...

Drama Questions for IB or A level

Getting on top of the drama exam I've been trawling the exam boards and internet sites for examples of A-level / IB exam/essay questions on Drama. These questions are suitable for 16-18 year-olds. If you are 'lost for ideas' also take a critical look at my TWO compilations of key quotations : Tragedy: Selected Quotations Comedy: famous quotes Exam / Essay Questions: 1. Using two or three plays you have studied, compare the presentation of two or three characters [e.g. introduction, dramatic interactions with other characters], saying in each case how the presentation furthered the dramatists' purposes, and how it rewarded your study. 2. 'While the momentum of the play is carried by major characters, there is often a significant minor character who is a catalyst for change or enlightenment.' Compare the role of a significant minor character in in plays you have studied, showing how these characters contribute to the dramatic action. ...

Pastoral: Random Notes and Quotes

William Wordsworth (1770–1850) Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey, on Revisiting the Banks of the Wye During a Tour July 13, 1798 . Extract. Once again I see            These hedge-rows, hardly hedge-rows, little lines                   Of sportive wood run wild: these pastoral farms,             Green to the very door; and wreaths of smoke   Sent up, in silence, from among the trees!           With some uncertain notice, as might seem         Of vagrant dwellers in the houseless woods,                Or of some Hermit’s cave, where by his fire       The Hermit sits alone.    ...