103 key words - writing about speech

A revision list of 103 key words to describe kinds of speech - please add other suggestions below.

  1. absurdity
  1. aestheticism
  1. affectation
  1. agility
  1. alertness
  1. antagonistic
  1. aptness
  1. archaic
  1. artificiality
  1. badinage
  1. banter
  1. belligerent.
  1. combative
  1. censure
  1. civility
  1. clarity
  1. clowning
  1. colloquy
  1. conceits
  1. courtier / courtly
  1. courtship
  1. decadence
  1. delicacy
  1. discourse
  1. dramatic
  1. effortless
  1. elegance
  1. epigrammatic
  1. erudition
  1. esoteric
  1. exchanges
  1. extravagance
  1. felicity
  1. fencing
  1. fluidity
  1. fooling
  1. frivolity
  1. funny
  1. gallantry
  1. gentility
  1. grating
  1. harsh
  1. heightened
  1. humorous
  1. impenetrable
  1. innuendo
  1. interruption
  1. jargon
  1. judgment
  1. lewdness
  1. lexis
  1. maliciousness
  1. mannered
  1. meekness
  1. melancholy
  1. mildness
  1. mocking
  1. modesty
  1. monologue
  1. mood
  1. natural
  1. parody
  1. passive
  1. pattern
  1. pointed
  1. poised
  1. politeness
  1. polyvocal
  1. precision
  1. quibbling
  1. rallies
  1. realism
  1. refinement
  1. reserved
  1. retorts
  1. rhetorical
  1. rhythm
  1. riposte
  1. rivalry
  1. romantic
  1. rudeness
  1. satire
  1. self-conscious
  1. self-obsessed
  1. self-possessed
  1. sentimentality
  1. shrewdness
  1. shrewish
  1. shrill
  1. soliloquy
  1. spirited
  1. spontaneous
  1. stilted
  1. style
  1. tone
  1. utterances
  1. vanity
  1. villainous
  1. virago
  1. vivacity
  1. volley
  1. wisdom
  1. witty


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