GCSE - SOS Q&A - What to do next

Can I improve my exam and/or revision technique?

Absolutely. You can typically improve your exam performance by working on technique, and by having a better revision strategy. Seek out the other tips on this site for more information. You might be able to improve your grades by 5-25%. Try this programme.

How important are GCSEs ?

It depends. Our culture is traditionally dominated by paper qualifications. Typically you will need Maths and English for career progression, plus 3 other subjects.

But GCSE performance does not predict success at A-level or at University, unless you've scored 10 X A* .

Remember that life skills, social skills, volunteering and other experience are also valued by employers.

I have to confess that despite my C in English Literature, I went on to receive the class medal, and first class honours in this subject.

What should I do if my results are not up to scratch?

Consider re-taking key subjects such as Maths or English.
Seek advice from your teachers
Sort our your exam technique and your revision strategies.

Is it worth having a re-mark?

Re-marks seldom result in significant grade shifts. But you may be able to find out where you went wrong and therefore have a better idea of the areas where you need to improve.

Should I write to my MP and complain about political interference?
From time to time this is a question last year. New exams in English Literature, for example, will be closed book, which means that you cannot take the book into the exam.
Ofqual head tells MPs qualification will remain vulnerable to inconsistencies until arrival of remodelled GCSEs in 2015. Here.
Girls could be disadvantaged by plans to axe mid-course tests as boys were often 'more confident' at end-of-course exams. Here.

Should I change schools?

Undoubtedly some schools gain better results than others. But the final responsibility for your performance is YOU.
Did you do enough to perfect your exam technique?
Did you revise thoroughly, efficiently, and effectively?

It is possible to check your school's inspection report and their league table position. But these tables often mask the work of poor or brilliant teachers.

Some parents even seek private tuition as a supplementary solution. (And even children at the most prestigious private schools also have private tutors...) An expensive option, but perhaps a decent investment in a world of unequal wealth and mixed opportunity?

Other options?

Perhaps it's time to consider a more vocational qualification, work-based learning, or an apprenticeship?


  1. The Guardian reports...

    If grade boundaries have been shifted to make exams harder to pass, as some teachers’ leaders suggest, the effect has been modest.

    Here are the figures for those key subjects English, science and maths.

    A*: 3.4% (down 1.4 percentage points compared to last year)
    A: 11.6% (down 0.6)
    B: 20.5% (up 0.3)
    C: 28.7% (up 0.4)
    D: 20.9% (down 0.7)
    E: 9.3% (up 1.1)
    F: 3.7% (up 0.4)
    G: 1.2% (up 1.3)
    U: 0.7% (down 0.6)
    English literature

    A*: 5.8% (down 0.4 percentage points compared to last year)
    A: 17.4% (down 1.6)
    B: 28.2% (down 0.7)
    C: 25.1% (up 0.5)
    D: 13.9% (up 1.3)
    E: 5.5% (up 0.7)
    F: 2.3% (up 0.5)
    G: 1% (up 0.2)
    U: 0.8% (down 0.5)

    A*: 5.3% (up 0.2 percentage points compared to last year)
    A: 10% (down 1.4)
    B: 14.9% (down 0.7)
    C: 28.1% (up 1.4)
    D: 18.3% (up 0.9)
    E: 10.1% (down 0.7)
    F: 7.2% (down 0.3)
    G: 4.4% (up 0.5)
    U: 1.7% (up 0.1)


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